Nashville Birth Photography | Wellsley
From Ashley:
It was a Monday and I was 41 weeks pregnant as I sat in the parking lot about to have an acupuncture session with Lyle, my acupuncturist and doula, when I got the call from my midwife. My body was no longer cooperating with our plans for a home birth, and I would need to be induced that evening and have our sweet boy in the hospital. I called my husband, Matt, to tell him the news, and to have him start making arrangements for us to be away from home for the birth. My midwife, Talitha, met us at home to start the induction, and my transfer doctor asked that we meet him around nine the next morning at the hospital. Labor started shortly after the induction, and we all did our best to try to get as much sleep as we could.
I was well on my way as we entered the hospital on Tuesday, and the rest of my birth team arrived. I already had Matt and Talitha with me, and then Lyle, Kailee, and my dear friend Jill came while I labored on through the day. We talked, giggled, bounced, swayed, and breathed through contractions throughout the day and into the evening. It was my oldest son's 3rd birthday and I kept wondering if it would be our youngest son's too. But birth doesn't always go as planned. As my labor continued through the night and into the following morning, there were a series of complications leading to the need for a cesarean delivery. I asked to have a few minutes with my husband and birth team. I felt so many emotions. The logic side of my brain understood that it was what needed for my safety and our baby boy's safety, but the emotional side of me felt a roller coaster of feelings. I looked around and saw a room full of love. My husband and the women by my side were my support, advocates, and guides, and and they were all here for our family. It was time to finally meet our baby boy, and joy just filled the room.
The excitement and anticipation stayed with me as we wheeled down to the operating room. He would have his own birthday, and it would be September the 2nd. Wellsley Wilder King arrived on Wednesday morning at 7:31. 10 pounds 6 ounces, 22 1/2 inches.10 fingers and 10 toes. His cry was strong, and in a matter of seconds he was in my husband's arms and then snuggled to my face. He was so alert and looked directly into my eyes. He gazed with such intensity as we told him how happy we were to meet him. I was completely overwhelmed with love, I still am.